Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1.1.13 Happy Birthday !!!

Happy Birthday to those born on this day, you are so lucky that whole world was celebrate your day with you or you feel lonely that because everyone was busy celebrate the New Year and forgot your Big Day !!! Anyway, we got to learn to view, feel thing in difference perspective, happy or sad it was up to our own mindset and i really hope that "you" can understand and be happy, positive always in one day !

This year calender show 1.1.13 or 1+1+1=3 haha... my lucky number is 3 so this year will be a good year for me, well ...what i have achieved in year 2012 and what is my resolution for year 2013 ? What and How should i write in this blog was first thing in my mind ... Actually, i am not that good in my writeup and use this platform for learning purpose.

Anyway I learn a powerful quote during my recently Millionaire Mindset Seminar, i did not attend the full section which i only attend one day and it was in the seminar for less than two hours but i did received a very powerful quote from the "guru" ...."EVERY MASTER WAS ONCE A DISASTER" and so happen i was share this quote with my chat friend in lines as I believe that it was the law of attraction that she was reading the Millionairemindset book and i got her book picture ...

Is a blessing that i can met someone which have the same mindset. is a blessing also i know few good friend which also on line chat with her whenever we are free and meet each other for "yamcha" and chit chat, ya .. we need friends in life for spice up our mind and our life .... so thanks a lot to all my dear friend to be part of my life and cheers ya...hehe. "Happy New Year 2013" ...

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