Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Financial IQ To Happiness ...

How i come across to this topic "My Financial IQ To Happiness" ?

It was my recent seminar and it was part of the training programme. There are a few topic in this training programme and is good to be reminded once in a while as we tends to be lazy and perhaps we do need such programme to push us to move on ... hmmm... i am thankful and graditute with blessing of the arrangement.

During our life time from the day we Born - Now - Bye Bye, actually what are we searching for ? Happiness ? Healthy ? Wealthy or Prosperity ? Infact we want it all ... didn't we ? Therefore, You are where you are today because of the decision you made yesterday ... "I shall pass this world but once, any good thing that i can do, or any kindness that i can show to any human being, let me do it now and not defer it for I will not pass this way again ! BY William Penn

I believe many of us heard or even involved in the The CashFlow Game ... what is CashFlow Game ? This game was created by Mr Robert K - The creator of cashflow boardgame, he complexd his 30years of experience as an investor in the real world into this cashflow boardgame, the more involved you are in this game, the richer you become.

We will discover something new everytime we play the cashflow boardgame ...
. Develop your Financial Intelligence
. Develop strategic thinking skills
. See opportunities where you have never seen them before
. Learn how to create financial freedom
. Break out of your old thinking patterns about money
. It is meant for people who want to be rich regardless of you are rich or poor

Mr Robert K will teach you both lesson in one game ...
1) Lesson one - Learn how to become an investor - 4 level of investor
   i - level 1 - small deal
  ii - level 2 - big deal
  iii - How Rich Investor invest on the fast track
  iv - cashflow 202 - Technical investing, how to invest when market go down and go up

2) Lesson two - Learn the level of accounting - the important of financial statement- the income and
     the balance sheet.


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