Monday, January 30, 2012

7th Day In Chinese Calender - Birthday of The Human Being

As usual that we are always busy during Chinese New Year celebration ... Why ? We had to clear all the clutter before CNY as the traditional saying that clear away the thing or item that you don want than will have more space to welcome the new and goodies to your home and have a good start with all your new goal and etc etc ...hmmm..i had done it and after the busy CNY activies...well i managed to have my stock trading business start on the right day which same as the entrepreneur do ...yeah..and i made some "Ang Pau" from my equity trading business...hei hei ..not bad..indeed a good start for me.

No more lonely trader as we have the proper platform for us to comunicate among each other and update the on going of trading , happening,information and infact quite fun to interactive in the new way. Ya i started from don't know anything about this new platform "BLOG" {thanks to my investment friends and the platform provider} and now i have my own beautiful blog, slowly improved within few years and it become my daily activities !

I found this nice animation CNY song from one of the blogger during my daily activities ... lets enjoy cute..

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