Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Story Begin With A Christmas Greetings Card And Snowflake ...

Thanks nmp for the nice creating of this nice greetings card and i hope you won mind that i share it with the universe and for my keeping in my blog ..hehe

The christmas greetings card was so lovely, you can feels the joy ... love...happiness and more, its remind me when i was a little girl before i go to primary school, i stay with my parent at far far inside the plantation ... haha..you must be wondering why ? Hmmm... my dad was a chef for the English family and my mom was the assisstant to my dad, the English boss was manage the big plantation and they have a big bangalow house with big land and planted all the coffee bean trees, lemon tree and many types of flower which have a gardener to takecare of it. The English family will organise the Christmas party everyyear at their compound and I will received many christmas present, enjoy the nice food, ice-cream and nice chocolate, the decoration of the christmas tree was lovely ...with all the little toy, lights and greetings card hanging on the christmas tree, the presents will sit beside the christmas tree....ya ..it was exactly the same which show on the Christmas greetings card !

The fist time i experience the real snow flake was my trip to Europe during Nov 2005. it was amazing that i can see and feel the real snow flake fall from the sky during end Nov as they say is still early to have snow, i still remember that time we meet with another group of family members which from East Malaysia and we pray that we can see and touch and feel the snowflake as we did not often have a chance to fly to Europe in our lifetime ...wow it was a blessing that the moment we on the way to German (we were inside the bus)...we see snowflake falling from the sky ! We are so excited and screaming ..is snow..is snow, we really can't wait to have a real touch with the snowflake ...we were stop at one of the German restaurant and they serve their famous German lambshange and their famous black forest cake (hey..with rum taste..yumyum) oh dear..i miss the place, snowflake and food there, we continue to play with the snowflake after the meal and take some nice photo there...indeed, i had a nice venture during this trip and i have a wish i want to stay at Europe for one year so that i can experience the four season of the country there ...yes ..this is one of my dream.

May i take this opportunity to wish all my reader, friend have a lovely Christmas and New Year Celebration and holiday...Cheers...^^

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