Friday, November 11, 2011

Progress in Italy, Greece on debt sends stocks up

Dear Readers,

Be this day a special day (11.11.11) in our lifetime to remember and cherish. We are bless to live in this century to be friends. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for bringing laughter and happiness into my life. May we continue to grow wiser, stronger and learn together... cheers ...

DOW UP 11,893.79 (+112.85 OR +0.96%)
HSI DOWN 18,963.89 (-1,050.54 OR -5.25%)

Successful bond sale in Italy, naming of new PM in Greece ease euro fears, send markets higher

NEW YORK (AP) -- Signs of progress in Europe's debt crisis and an unexpected drop in unemployment claims pushed stocks higher Thursday, a day after the stock market took its worst fall since the summer.

Greece named a new prime minister Thursday and Italy borrowed $6.8 billion at lower interest rates than analysts expected. Italy's benchmark rate dropped below 7 percent after spiking above that level Wednesday.

Investors were also relieved by talk that the economist Mario Monti is likely to replace Premier Silvio Berlusconi, who was seen as an obstacle to meaningful economic reforms. Italy's president pledged that Berlusconi will step down soon.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 112.92 points, or 1 percent, to close at 11,893.86. It plunged 389 points Wednesday after Italy's borrowing rates soared and talks in Greece to name a new prime minister broke down. Traders have been concerned that debt troubles in Italy and Greece could create a liquidity crisis and lead to a global financial meltdown.

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