Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Power Of Right Thought ! Never Say Never And How You Trade Like An Eagle ?

The Power Of Right Thought

Success is a science, the Science of Right Thinking. But the brain cells which have been shaped by the old thoughts of despondency and fear, can­not all at once be reformed.

There is no fate or destiny which puts one man down and another up. 'It is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.

The world belongs to him who can conquer it. Good things belong to those who can take them by force of purpose and tenacity of determination. There is no power which parcels out good things to a favored few, and gives you and me inferior things.

The man who has acquired the power of keeping his mind filled with the thoughts which uplift and encourage, the optimistic thought, the cheerful, hopeful thought, has solved one of the great riddles of life.

How To Trade Like An Eagle by Dr. Janice Dorn Trading Artitle ...
So ... Never Say Never ...

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