Monday, December 20, 2010

Lead Out Loud

Lead Out Loud

Each one of us on this earth has it
The ability to Lead and Inspire,

Sometimes our work feels small and insignificant,
But Remember, a small ripple can gain momentum and build a
current that is insurmounlable.

Begin with one small step,
Don't let others stands in your way,
walk your own path,
some may laugh, so what,
many will follow, Don't ever give up.

Success... seems to be largely a matter of HANGING ON after
OTHERS HAVE LET GO..."William Feather"

Fear, keeps people small,
Run towards your fears, Embrace them,
on the other side of your greatest fears lives your greatest life
"Robin Sharma"

Get out of the stands, get on the court,
Play the game of life.

Take Risks, Leap and the net will appear.

Be Positive, what you think is who you become.

Dream, Dream Big,
Feel it, Believe it, Achieve it,
Whatever your dreams are... Go For It !
You will inspire others.

Extend a hand, care, Be kind,
When someone does something good,
Applaud ! You will make two people happy.
"Samuel Godwyn"

Be a Positive Role Model,
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Make a difference NOW is the time to ...


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