Monday, November 8, 2010

8 Major Health Problems Faced By Bloggers

8 Major Health Problems Faced By Bloggers

Each and every profession has its requirements, its own demand to be fulfilled without any compromise. If you are full time employee, then you sacrifice your freedom. Your time is not yours, but employer has full control on it. Same is the case with a blogger but with different scenario.

A blogger has to write, market its blog and expand its social community. Their job requires sitting for long hours with full concentration. This life style of blogger is leading to health complications. They are sacrificing their health and if they don’t take care of their fitness, situation can be worse.

What are the different health related problem a blogger faces, lets have a look at it.

Strain on Different Parts of Body:-

One common problem a blogger faces is the strain. They have strain on different parts of body due to many reasons. Uncomfortable sitting condition creates a bad impact on their back bone. Sooner they have back pain.

Likewise, a blogger uses computer and CRT. CRT rays are very harmful to their eyes. Starring on CRT has severe strain on eyes, resulting in reduction in eye sight. Same is the case with hand. Uncomfortable mouse or long distance between mouse and hand creates strain on hand.


Do you want to be fatty or obese? Obesity leads to laziness. People feel difficulty in doing routine work. They wait for someone to give them a glass of water. They hardly burn few calories. Obesity bring many other gifts in shape of cardiac diseases, diabetics etc.

Don’t Work in Late Night:-

Yes I do agree, nights are the best time to work. We have full concentration and no one disturbs us. But this factor costs us our health. Sleeping late night will result in getting up mid day. Don’t make, working late night, your habit. Better to sleep early and get up early with fresh mind.

Take Your Complete Rest, Your Sleep Time:-

Don’t sacrifice your sleeping time. You should take at least 8-10 hours of sleep a day. Don’t risk your health. Be healthy and work with health and fresh mind.

Do Some Walk after Couple of Hours:-

After continuous work for couple of hours, give yourself a refresh. Leave your chair, walk and divert your thinking from work to some entertainment. Listen music, and come out of stress.

Junk Food:-

Most of time it happens that you are busy in work and are not feeling hunger or thirst. As soon as you relax for few minutes you suddenly feel hunger. In such situation most of bloggers prefer to eat junk food. Such food that procures less nutritious but gives you fills your stomach and gives you fat is ideal kind of junk food. Regular use or being habitual of such food in sudden hunger is major cause of bad health of bloggers. If you have double chin, you are victim of junk food.

Eat Regularly and In Time:-

Disturbed and non scheduled routine of bloggers cost them a lot. Eating out of routine and irregularly has great bad impact on health. Have mercy on your stomach and digestive system. Don’t increase your medical expenditure.

Healthy Body, Health Mind:-

Blogging is a field of creativity. Every day you generate new ideas a blog about it. For rich and non ending ideas you need health brain, which can’t be accomplished without health body. Do regular exercise; it doesn’t matter for how much time you exercise. A blogger doing 20-30 minutes of exercise is much better than a couch potato. Purchase a third mill and walk everyday for 20-30 minutes.

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to this golf site.

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